
Although the European dimension is inherently present within academic study programs at the University of Novi Sad, it has never been in the focus of cultural studies. The importance of European cultural tradition and practice has been recognized within the framework of architecture studies at the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad, in teaching both European and national architectural history, but without the possibility of significantly emphasizing European-oriented topics within existing curricula.

Furthermore, there are still no interdisciplinary heritage studies in Serbia, but some segments of heritage are studied within various curricula at the departments of architecture, art history, archaeology and tourism. Due to all of the above facts, the University of Novi Sad would like to implement heritage studies that would have an interdisciplinary and European-oriented character. 

The main purpose of the project is to establish a series of lectures related to the field of cultural heritage as an important aspect of the European integration processes. The cultural policy represents a significant means of economic and social cohesion in the context of European integration, while cultural heritage is recognized as both the manifestation of cultural diversity and a resource for sustainable cultural, social, environmental and economic development (Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022). On the other hand, strengthening international cultural cooperation, with clear initiatives and partnerships in the cultural sector, is an important component in the European integration of Serbia (Strategy for the Development of Culture of the Republic of Serbia 2017-2027). Therefore, we have recognized the significance of introducing and enhancing understanding of these issues among present and future researchers and practitioners in the cultural sector in our country.