European railway heritage – euRAILher
International conference European railway heritage – euRAILher was held on October 16, 2021, in the Cinema Hall at the Novi Sad Railway Station, as part of the ERASMUS Days 2021.
Anica Draganić, Vladimir Hain, Maria Silađi, Cristian Graure, Ferenc Nemet, Dragana Konstantinović, Dušan Ristić, Miroslav Vujičić, Časlav Kalinić, Cezar Morar.
The relevance of the chosen topic is reflected primarily in its European character, which is based on the topic actuality – the European Year of Rail 2021.
European Year of Rail aims to raise public awareness of the historical, social, cultural and economic significance of the railway, which has always been a generator of development and integration across Europe.
The goals of the euRAILher round table are to raise the level of awareness of the local community about the values and potentials of the railway heritage, increase interest in the shared European railway heritage, improve access to the railway heritage and develop its cultural and tourist potential. Popularizing the cultural and historical values that the railway heritage possesses should strengthen belonging to the Central European context.
The conference was followed by the exhibition Railway Heritage of Novi Sad.